How to Stop Making Your Anxiety Worse By Embracing Empowering Perspectives

It’s possible to change your frame of mind

Celia Fidalgo, PhD
3 min readFeb 10, 2024
Photo by rayul on Unsplash

We’ve all been there.

Standing at the edge of an imagined abyss, conjuring up the worst-case scenarios, letting them play out in our minds like a horror movie.

Deciding to leave our job, having that emotional conversation, or taking the leap of faith we’re contemplating — these things grow in our imagination until they’re towering behemoths, ready to devour our peace.

In our minds, where thoughts are dark and full of fear, we often lose sight of the obvious.

We have more power than we think we do.

The Monsters in Our Mind

There’s a simple, profound truth that’s easy to forget: things are often not as bad as we make them out to be.

This isn’t just whimsical optimism. It’s a reality grounded in the very essence of human perception.

It reminds me of Viktor Frankl’s monumental work, “Man’s Search for Meaning,” where amidst the harrowing backdrop of a concentration camp, Frankl found a profound truth about the human condition — our power to choose our response to our circumstances is the ultimate source of our freedom and growth.



Celia Fidalgo, PhD

Head of Product @ Cambridge Cognition, Behavioral Scientist @ Irrational Labs, PhD in psych, I help people apply the science of psychology to daily life.